Our Team
We're really lucky - they're fabulous!
We have a simply awesome team of people ready to help you.
With around 100 years of experience between us, you can be assured that your questions will be answered honestly and safely.
In fact, we've won national awards - for Excellence in Nutritional Knowledge and Individual Knowledge in Nutritional Excellence. Training never stops, we still regularly welcome a variety of professionals in store to keep us up to date with all the latest info.
We're also rather proud that we were the first in Norwich to be awarded a Polite Society Award, albeit many moons ago! Find out more about each team member below.

Trish Stephenson
Trish’s career began as a computer analyst before moving into teaching. Her uncle ran Taylor’s Health Foods in Lower Goat Lane and a fascination with herbal medicine began leading Trish away from IT. She opened the Natural Food Store in 1977 and is passionate about providing natural approaches to health care. Trish has continued this passion by studying to become a registered Homeopath and then opening the Complementary Health Care Clinic and the Homeopathic College of East Anglia at 34 Exchange Street in 2002.

Angela Stephenson
As part of the family and the store manager, Angela is committed to ensuring that you get the best possible advice alongside the highest levels of customer care. Having joined in 1999, she brings many years of experience to the store, including an award for Best Individual Nutritional Knowledge. Angela regularly writes for health publications and produces much of our in store literature to help customers. When she isn’t working, she’s Mum to the next generation of Stephensons, Sam & Ellie, who are also regular visitors to the store.

Jenny Marr
Jen is a registered homeopath, with a passion for healthy living combined with a love of animals. Her rescue dog, Teddy is well known to many customers. Having been with us since 2009, Jen is available for homeopathic advice on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Louise Crane
Having joined us in 2015, Louise is a qualified Nutritional Therapist. She is passionate about helping customers to understand the role that their choices can make in their health. Louise specialises in plant based nutrition

Phillippa Jackson
Phillippa joined us in April 2016 and has managed to find her way round the maze that is our store. She brings lots of retail experience and is fascinated as to how our bodies work and how we can help when things aren’t quite as they should be!
To us, knowledge is everything
If we don’t know our products then we can’t expect you to see their potential benefits either!
We take training seriously with all our staff undertaking an intensive course instore when they join us and progress through external courses, often studying to become practitioners themselves. Past members of staff can be found in some far flung places – running a successful vitamin department in a New Zealand pharmacy, as a homeopath in Australia, a midwife (who just happens to be a trained Nutritional Therapist and Clinical Herbalist too) in New Zealand and even opening and running their own health food shop in Ipswich!
Our highly trained team of specialist advisors allow you to benefit from professional staff with a wealth of knowledge in the field of natural medicine, nutrition, herbal remedies, homeopathy and much more. To us, training is the key to our store – allowing you to feel confident about choosing us for your natural health solutions.
Great customer service is crucial for you to enjoy your experience with us and we will help you in any way we can. We don’t put pressure on you to buy lots of expensive products – if you can make simple lifestyle changes to help yourself, we’ll tell you! We simply want to make sure that the people of Norwich, Norfolk and East Anglia can live a healthy life, everyday!